Get Involved

If your business is interested in partnering with The Tower Foundation of Manhasset on an event, please complete our Business Partnership Request Form and email your request to

If you are interested in joining the Board of The Tower Foundation of Manhasset, please submit a bio with the following information:

  1. Email address

  2. Cell phone number

  3. Number of years as a Manhasset resident

  4. Children’s ages, grades and schools attending

  5. Profession

  6. Activities involved in and roles

  7. Why you would like to become a Tower Board member (2-3 sentences).

Include any other information you feel is relevant.

All applications are confidential and will be reviewed only by the Tower Executive Board. Candidates who become new members of the Board are given a position. They will be contacted to discuss the position that is the best fit for them. If you have any questions, Please email your bio or any questions to